Visit To A Stamping Company

Summer Greetings to All Our Friends~!
I just returned from a short break visiting family on the east coast. It was a great trip. I love Los Angeles but I miss seeing everyone from my little town. Plus I get to play the tourist, which generally involves dragging my sister all over the #*&%!! state while we explore the sites we have no excuse for never having visited when I lived there.
One of our excursions was to a vendor who happens to produce many of those lovely vintage stampings you see on our site. Now I know what you're going to say. Hey workaholic, what are you doing working while you should be vacationing?! Believe me when I tell you, sis and I had a ball as we were treated to the grand tour of this enormous plant.
I've captioned some photos and short video clips below to show off some of the neat things we saw. My apologies if the quality isn't the best. I shot these using my iphone as I walked through the plant.

Soft Etch Machine Dies
Three Samples Machine Shop
Here is a short clip of a die stamping machine in use. The machine is operated with a foot pedal and stamps a brass blank with 12 tons of force.

Here is a short clip of a tumbling machine in use.
This machine will clean and polish freshly stamped pieces before they're sent to the plating company.
coompax-digital magazine