Decorating Ideas

The last time you decorated your bathroom decorating ideas and motifs were out of this world. So now that you’ve decided to redo your bathroom again you’re stuck with a choice. Go the safe route and choose a neutral color scheme or go out on a limb and choose something that’s out of this world, again.The advantage you’ll find with going the safe route is that your color scheme won’t seem as outdated as your present one does as the years go by. Or so that’s what you think. In reality however, things aren’t that simple and you’ll find that the safe colors you thought were fantastic this year will look outdated within the next few years. What happens if you choose the more vibrant eye catching colors? Will you look upon it with more favor as the years pass by? Probably not.The human mind is prone to change its likes and dislikes at the drop of hat and most times you’ll have to go with the flow. Besides, just because you managed to block out that absolutely hideous paisley curtain from your mind every time you brushed your teeth for the past eternity, doesn’t mean that you’ll be able to do so again.Over the years you’ve developed this knack for not seeing what’s right in front of your face, and you’ve brought yourself to the point where you every time you see your bathroom decorating ideas and stray thoughts of redoing it go flying out the window. It’s too much hassle and you just can’t be bothered. Sure the DIY stores and crafts-masters will tell you it’s easy, but you know better. Nothing is as easy and as simple as they make it out to be. You might have been right once upon a time but no more.

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