Home Decor

Summer is finally here and as the heat glares down on us, we try to find new and different ways to cool our surroundings, making our home surroundings comfortable and pleasant for us to stay. So let's take a look at these summers home decor tips and make our homes cooler welcoming the summers with a bright smile.We are all aware that summer is the other name of lighter shades and colors. It gives a cool feeling. So don't limit lighter shades to your wardrobe only but extend them to your home as well. Do away with those bright magentas and reds from your Blacks and browns, no matter sleek they may look, are not the hot favorites for summers. These bright colors are excellent for but in summers they work just the other way round. Instead go for lighter shades like whites, ivories and pastels. The home decor colors that are in this summer are lime greens, light blues and soft yellows. If you are thinking of repainting then it is best to go for these colors. Along with the wall colors the other important thing that you need to do is the use of the right kind of fabrics as well. Silk and synthetics are not made for the summers. It tends to get dusty easily and are best kept reserved for cooler months. Instead go for summer fabrics like cotton, linen or even jute. These fabrics make the living space airy and cooler.







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